Research and development project supported by the national center for research and development of active low-power harmonic filters
We are carrying out a research and development project co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development which consists in developing and implementing innovative low-power Active Harmonic Filter products.
The subject of the project is the development of innovative active low-power harmonic filters together with the remote diagnostics of their work in order to improve the energy efficiency of energy consumers, reduce energy transmission losses and reduce CO2 emissions.
Development of an active low-power harmonic filter
The goal of the project is to develop and implement a Low-Power Active Harmonic Filter (AFH) for production. Currently in Poland, as well as in Europe, there is no production and sale of Low-Power AFH (up to 20A) acting simultaneously as a reactive power compensator and harmonic filter.
Carrying out research and development work on developing a novel system for distributing useful information by means of light
The subject of the project is to develop R&D activities of Rabbit sp. z o.o. by developing and implementing a system to manage lighting in one room, based on LiFi technology. A novel system of distributing useful information using light from the visible wave range, i.e., 4×1014 ÷ 7.9×1014, will be developed.